macOS security and extended attribute

Apple offers one of the most advanced operating systems out there: macOS. With security and privacy in its core, it comes with a number of system protection services such as Gatekeeper runtime protection, the built-in System Integrity Protection (SIP), and others. While Apple Software, Apple installers and apps from the App Store are already cleared […]
Using OpenSSL to verify SSL/TLS connections

OpenSSL is a general-purpose cryptography library and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. It’s licensed under the Apache License 2.0, meaning that you are free to get and use it for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, subject to a few simple license conditions. Using OpenSSL to check […]
How To Create a SSH Key

In this tutorial we will explain how you create a SSH Key pair and how to use this key to authenticate on remote devices. SSH, that stands for Secure Shell, is a network protocol used to establish an encrypted connection between two devices. The SSH protocol supports either the use of a username and password […]
28 Antivirus products affected by symlink race bugs

According to a report published this week by security researchers from RACK911, “symlink race” vulnerabilities were found in 28 of today’s most popular antivirus software. RACK911 Labs reports how they came up with a simple method of using directory junctions (Windows) and symlinks (macOS & Linux) to exploit the most popular antivirus programs. A symlink […]
Build MTR from source on macOS

MTR, or “My Traceroute” (originally named Matt’s Traceroute after its original creator Matt Kimball) is an amazing network diagnose tool that combines the functionality of both ‘ping’ and ‘traceroute’ into one single program. It determines the route and address of each hop between the source and destination, and sends a sequence of ICMP ECHO requests […]